Friday, 6 April 2007

It's been a strange day today. The men who were doing stuff in the kitchen haven't been here since Monday so it's been quiet.

Michael's mum and dad came to see me earlier, which was nice. They always fuss me, but today they paid more attention to the new stuff in the kitchen than they did to me!

Anna is very upset because the fast-moving things I'm not allowed to chase have stopped moving. Michael hasn't said much, but I know he's unhappy too. But I got to eat almost all of Anna's dinner of pasta, which never happens, usually she's mean and only lets me have a little bit when she's finished or she eats it all herself.

Here's a few pictures of the fast-moving things. I guess I'll be a bit lonely when Anna goes out and leaves me now.


Emma said...

Oh huff that's very sad, I wonder why they stopped moving? Maybe they were old? Sniff.

Summer said...

It made Anna cry.

I don't why they stopped moving, it's a bit quiet without them. Maybe I'll let Anna have some more, they are nice and soft and sniff noses with me.