Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Not very exciting

Anna's been sad again. I don't know why.

Still it means she lets me onto the sofa for a cuddle much more often. But it didn't stop her going out again last night! She usually just sneaks in late when I'm asleep so I don't bother to get up, but last night she knocked on the door and made me think we had an exciting visitor! And Michael had to get out of bed to let her in. Very selfish if you ask me.

I tried to sneak past and go upstairs to sleep in their bedroom, but Michael made me go back into the kitchen. Meanie.

Other than that, life's very boring. Anna spends more time looking at the birds than she does with me, especially now the noisy ones she calls "baby robins" are flying around everywhere.

Maybe I'll take her out tomorrow.


Friday, 20 April 2007


Anna was out last night. She goes out every two or three nights, and she usually comes back smelling of dog so I have to have a good sniff at her! Good job I'm not jealous that she talks to other dogs.

Humans are strange sometimes. They don't sniff things like us dogs, I don't think they're any good at it at all. Except sometimes when I smell really really nice, they make me have a shower! Like the other week we went out and I splashed around in the river and got nice and muddy. As soon as we got in I wanted to have a good rub on the carpet and the sofa but instead they took me into the bathroom... I don't really mind the water but it always takes ages and I get fed up. Still, once I'd dried I got lots of strokes because Anna said I felt all soft.

While Anna was out, I let Michael outside. He had some of that nice crunchy food with him that I like, but he didn't give me any. He gave it to the two prickly things that are outside in a pen now, and to the other one that's in the other pen. But there was another one of them outside the cage, wanting to get to the girls! Michael was a bit confused and he had to check that one of ours hadn't escaped. Silly Michael. Anyone with a nose could tell that it was a different one, it smelled much nicer.

I wonder if they make the prickly things have showers too?

Anna's been all excited recently about the bird that's sometimes outside the door. I've seen him inside the house a few times trying to find the wriggly things in their box, and Anna sits in the doorway and puts wriggly things on her hand and he sits on her hand and takes the worms away. She calls him "Mr Robin". I usually go and lie in the utility room in disgust. And I don't understand. Why has she got the wriggly things if she doesn't want them? They aren't good to eat. There's another bird too, it's black like me, it runs to the door and eats the wriggly things but it flies away if it sees Anna. Must be scared, but it's much bigger than the other one. Silly, doesn't it know that Anna won't hurt it?

Well, I'm off to see if I can persuade Anna to let me play with my ball....


Friday, 6 April 2007

It's been a strange day today. The men who were doing stuff in the kitchen haven't been here since Monday so it's been quiet.

Michael's mum and dad came to see me earlier, which was nice. They always fuss me, but today they paid more attention to the new stuff in the kitchen than they did to me!

Anna is very upset because the fast-moving things I'm not allowed to chase have stopped moving. Michael hasn't said much, but I know he's unhappy too. But I got to eat almost all of Anna's dinner of pasta, which never happens, usually she's mean and only lets me have a little bit when she's finished or she eats it all herself.

Here's a few pictures of the fast-moving things. I guess I'll be a bit lonely when Anna goes out and leaves me now.